The micro:bit Breadboard Adapter is a breadboard pinboard based on the BBC micro:bit. It plugs directly into the breadboard and breaks out each of the micro:bit’s pins, This breadboard adapter consists 2 arrangements of 22 micro:bit pins where all the pins are clearly labeled.
In order to facilitate the wiring of micro:bit development board, we specifically design this T-type breadboard adapter. It can be connected to the micro bit development board easily, then can be directly plugged onto the breadboard. You can use it in your experiments, simply wire it up on the breadboard using breadboard jumper wires, pretty easy and convenient.
- Fully compatible with micro:bit board.
- All micro:bit pins can correspond to the sections on the expansion board.
- It can be directly plugged into the breadboard.
- Allow you to connect multiple modules.
- This adapter will help you in various DIY creations and experiments.
What's on Board
- 2 x micro:bit pins set.
- 1 x micro:bit edge connector.
- Dimensions: 7 x 5 x 2 cm (Approx.)